Math Practice Topic: Commissions

Description: Calculate salary with commissions.

Adaptive Learning Progression: The scenario becomes more complex, involving more steps.

Sample Levels (out of 5)

Answer the following questions involving commission.

Jose makes money by commission rates. He gets 11% of everything he sells. If Jose sold $58000 worth of items this month, what is his salary for the month?
John makes money by commission rates. He gets 12% of everything he sells. If John sold $50000 worth of items this month, what is his salary for the month?

Answer the following questions involving commission.

Jose makes $3000 a month plus some money by commission rates. He gets 7% of everything he sells. If Jose sold $28000 worth of items this month, what is his salary for the month?
Sharon makes $5000 a month plus some money by commission rates. She gets 9% of everything she sells. If Sharon sold $45000 worth of items this month, what is her salary for the month?

Answer the following questions involving commission.

Pearl makes a base monthly salary of $3100. As a vendor, she must sell $21000 worth of items per month. She also makes a 4% commission on all sales beyond the monthly quota. If Pearl sold $31500 worth of items this month, what is her total salary for the month including base salary and commission to the nearest dollar?
John makes a base monthly salary of $3200. As a vendor, he must sell $10000 worth of items per month. He also makes a 6% commission on all sales beyond the monthly quota. If John sold $16000 worth of items this month, what is his total salary for the month including base salary and commission to the nearest dollar?

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